Fashion and 'phonk' clothing. We teach you how to dress in the phonk style.
Phonk music becomes a trend. We teach you what phonk is and how to dress like a true exponent of this musical genre.
Members of the trap group $uicideBoy$
What is phonk?
The phonk is a much more alternative variant of hip hop, inspired on the Memphis rap of the nineties. You could say that the music phonk has evolved from hip hop and trap, mixing with the new tendencies of the vaporwave. Principally is new genre is formed by a dark and nostalgic futuristic melody, a bass style grave vaporwave, and samples with synthesized hip hop vocals that loop continuously. These voices are the heart of the music phonk and make this new gender be so catchy among hip hop lovers and trap.
Thanks to online independent music platforms like soundcloud, has reinforced that thousands of people begin to know this musical style. Every day there are more artists who feel attracted by the phonk and they start experimenting with these futuristic hip hop sounds. The main artists who most they are triumphing in style phonk his: LXST CXNTURY, SOYBEAN, BLESSED MANE, V21, among many others.
What are the influences of phonk fashion?
The fashion and style phonk not much different from trap and hip hop, since these three genres are really very intertwined. It could be said that the main influences of fashion phonk his:
- Trap and hip hop: It is inevitable to say that the phonk is closely related to trap and hip hop, so when we see phonk around us we always see its predecessor style. The atmosphere is the same, a USA roll, weapons, luxury cars, drugs, etc...
- Drift: It may seem strange, but more and more the phonk with the world drifter and the Japanese world, which is where this automotive movement comes from. The difference is that a retro touch is used, with effects vhs and predominance of dark or pink colors.
- Vaporwave: The vaporwave and the phonk are still closely linked, since they share the musical style memphis from the nineties. In both cases it looks very vhs And images own retro vaporwave. Many times the visual part can be confused with these two genes.neros musicals, so it will be necessary to differentiate them by the type of music.

What is your look and how to dress phonk?
The look phonk usually has the same elements for both sexes, urban and nineties clothing, oversize jackets from tactel, sweatshirts with retro and vintage prints, oversize t-shirts with alternative images, pink or lilac colors. As accessories, you could take fanny packs and baseball caps. The only difference is that in the case of women you have to add two essential accessories: shorts, jumpsuits with hip hop style.
the t-shirts phonk they should be hip hop style, preferably a t-shirt oversize but with designs aesthetic or the nineties. They should be longer and looser than normal. Now, if you don't like baggy clothes, don't worry, you can also wear t-shirts plus regular skater, however you must preserve the retro style And alternative impressions.
For the phonk pants we recommend polyester with futuristic patterns but maintaining the trap style. Within the pants there is a wide variety of styles that you can wear. You can choose between camouflage pants, street sweatpants, or just baggy pants to feel more comfortable. The main thing is to feel comfortable with your low garment. Remember, that the phonk is born in the streets, so the main thing is that you feel comfortable wearing it around the city.
We advocate a classic urban style with darker colors that represent a dark and/or nostalgic personality such as black, blue, lilac, etc... If you like to wear shorts, the ideal is to wear some sneakers from the skater roll also in dark colors such as black. It is very important that the pants are accompanied by high white socks.
The jackets phonk should preferably be oversize with a retro style but keeping the futuristic side. colors can be showy, since It will combine perfectly with the dark tones of the other garments. If you want to improve the style phonk a short jacket can be combined so that the shirt can be seen from the waist down. East outfit as well is very typical of trap.
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